Ubuntu-Ryzen-UEFI Madness (Solved!)

I have probably installed some variant of Linux at least 70 times in my lifetime – probably much more. I had just purchased two sets of components for my home-made Render Server Farm. The motherboards were Biostar and the CPUs were A10-9700G AM4 by AMD. The initial installs went without a hitch using Ubuntu Server …
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ESP32 UDP Broadcast Tribulations

As part of my Weather Station upgrade, I am having the ESP communicate status over UDP (like a heartbeat I guess). This will inform me of current sketch version and a few other parameters because it is remote and this would function as a rudimentary ‘Serial Monitor’. I’ll tell yah, I spent about 4 days …
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NodeMCU (ESP8266) upload sketches wirelessly

More on the NodeMCU (V1)…..  This little booger is great!  I have tried all kinds of wireless upload solutions with Arduino (Olimexino with ESP8266, Nano with various wireless devices) and the end result of actually uploading the sketch never succeeded.  It all had to do with the reset aspect which causes the bootloader to accept …
Continue reading NodeMCU (ESP8266) upload sketches wirelessly