As part of my Weather Station upgrade, I am having the ESP communicate status over UDP (like a heartbeat I guess). This will inform me of current sketch version and a few other parameters because it is remote and this would function as a rudimentary ‘Serial Monitor’. I’ll tell yah, I spent about 4 days …
Continue reading ESP32 UDP Broadcast Tribulations
NodeMCU (ESP8266) upload sketches wirelessly
More on the NodeMCU (V1)….. This little booger is great! I have tried all kinds of wireless upload solutions with Arduino (Olimexino with ESP8266, Nano with various wireless devices) and the end result of actually uploading the sketch never succeeded. It all had to do with the reset aspect which causes the bootloader to accept …
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WebDAV on Ubuntu (10.04)
Had an interesting go-around with WebDAV on a non-production test server with Apache2 and it seemed errors were almost random. There were a number of factors involved. First, I am testing for preparation of using multiple authors to update a website. WebDAV was the logical choice. Installing WedDAV was simple enough: load or enable modules …
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Alfresco Backup & Restore
Alfresco has been working great for over a month now. One thing that had been nagging me was a successful backup and restore. I figured out the problem. I wanted to test on a practice machine, so not to brick the production site. That was the thorn in my side. I could create a new Alfresco …
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Dipping into Alfresco
For our office, I needed to incorporate another collaboration site for our team on a project. I had already used MS Sharepoint on a previous 3 year project. The interesting thing is the users could never warm up to Sharepoint on that project. Yes, Sharepoint is customizable, and I did a minimal amount with logo …
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