I have been doing all this coding for Blender and LuxRender via my Converter, which takes Blender Internal materials and converts them to LuxRender materials suitable for rendering. The last LuxRender plugin for Blender I installed had an update feature found in the ‘User Preferences’ section, so I went ahead with updating. To my surprise, …
Continue reading LuxRender Progressing Like Lightning…..
LuxRender Converter Update and Tweaks
Happy Holidays! I have had some time testing and updating code for the LuxRender Converter. As is the case with any programming, when you update something, you invariably break something that worked before. The only way to solve this is just to keep debugging and testing. I have had great feedback from the BlenderArtists community, …
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LuxRender Converter for Blender
I finally had some time over the Thanksgiving holiday to finish up coding my ‘Holy Grail’ for Blender. I may have mentioned previously that I am a big fan of LuxRender. Unbiased rendering is the way to go, in my thinking. But one thing that has been a big time-sucker is prepping the scenes and …
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Notes on the AS3935 Lightning Sensor
I finally got around to testing this sensor (two actually). The AS3935 is IC sensor created by AustriaMicroSyetems. There are a few breakout boards available out there with the chip installed. The first one I got from Tautic on Tindie is no longer available. The second breakout board I got was from PlayingWithFusion. I never …
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Hacked by Plug-In, no doubt………..
I have finally got to point where this site is back online. I have not devoted much time to re-applying WordPress and uploading content. About 4 months ago, this site was overtaken and infected its way to the DNS servers. Typing in the link to this site brought you to a Chinese Yacht club site. …
Continue reading Hacked by Plug-In, no doubt………..
Transmitter-Reciever Arduino Connection
In continuing my plan on using the Arbotix to be the base of the aerial platform, I was ready to test the translation of pulse signals from the transmitter through arduino to the servo, and ultimately the ESCs for motors. The transmitter I am using is the FlySky CT6B, which comes with a 6 channel …
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Remote Aerial Platform
I got a 100-sized helicopter (electric) recently and was going to use it to try aerial imaging and/or FPV after I got this awesome little dice cam that takes HD movies onto a microSD card. This thing also has 4 infrared lights for any dark time videos. It is essentially a 1 inch cube. I …
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Vue Rendercow persistence
After getting Vue 10 up and running, I wanted to employ some of my included 5-cow licenses. On renders that take a while, using multiple workstations is the way to go. In fact I installed Rendercow on my main workstation because I have 6 cores and at least one of them could be taken up by …
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WD Passport Concerns
What good is a backup drive if you can’t extract the data back off it? There are many that are feeling that pain, I am finding out. I actually haven’t lost anything because a backup drive has failed yet (internal drives have failed, of course). I am now wondering about backups of backups! This came …
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Windows 7 Plunge
Plan of Attack After my RAID/hard drive debacle, I figured it was time to start with a clean slate. Usually with my Windows boxes over the years, I would start with a clean drive and reinstall/upgrade OS to clear out the bloat. I would accumulate all kinds of apps and drivers that just cluttered up …
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