Torso Box and Neck

I got the pan/tilt assembly from Servo City on Saturday.  While the unbelievable Packers-Cardinals game was on, I messed with prepping the Styrene box I had for the robot torso.  I drilled the holes and installed the STPC SBC towards the back, and the compact flash and power connector fit (wasn’t sure until I tried).  The nylon standoffs cleared the pins on the back of the board from touching case.  Then I assembled the pan/tilt with my HS-81 servos (less weight than regular servos, but with decent torque) and then cut a rectangular hole in the top of the box for it.  After drilling another hole for the tilt cable to go into the box, I was ready for testing.  Using the Arbotix controller (not yet installed into torso box), I tested the movement with a simple arduino sketch (AVI below).  Now that the  neck is figured out, I will figure out how to get my Panasonic board cam attached with its 5 or 6 interface wires.  I can always choose to use a USB cam and fill one of the STPC USB ports.