Assets in Blender with wrong orientation

I liked the Assets Browser in Blender 4.2, but I didn’t start using it until 4.3 came out. Once I started using it, I noticed that sometimes, a bunch of the assets can be oriented improperly in the browser thumbnail section. This has happened with assets I have created from my own files and from assets purchased from Blender Market. It is easy to fix individual assets by selecting the object in 3DView window and then choosing ‘Rotation’ from ‘Ctrl-A’, then in Asset Browser, you refresh the thumbnail with the ‘Generate Preview’ button. All well and good for a few assets, but when you have up to a hundred….could take a long time.

I created an Addon that solves the bulk orientation of all your assets. It doesn’t matter if some of the thumbnails are properly oriented, it will cycle over all of them and right them the way they are in the Blender Asset file. To use the Addon, you have to load the Blender Asset File first, after installing Addon. Going into the Asset Browser menu and choosing ‘Assets’, you can find the new button. It will go over all assets that are marked as assets in the file and fix orientation. If you save the Blender file, the changes will be set so that opening Blender again, thumbnails will be correct.

The Addon can be found here: